Shade Sail New Build

See your brand-new shade sail installation come to life.

Installing a new shade sail into the desired outdoor area space can protect individuals from direct sun exposure, as well as shielding personal items including cars and boats from any weather damages such as hail.

Shade Sail Services manage the entire new build process whilst taking your personal budget into consideration before the quote is accepted and the works commence.

There are various stages within the shade sail new build. We work with you on the shade sail design and various options to meet your personal requirements, the installation processes and stages of installing the steel posts and necessary fixtures, the fabrication of your shade sail and the final shade sail installation.

If requested or required, Shade Sail Services can obtain engineering reports, building permits and condition reports for your property or site.

Unfortunately, any planning permit applications are not to be obtained or covered by Shade Sail Services, however, support and guidance can be provided by our team if requested.

Here at Shade Sail Services, we have the experience to produce a quality result and to ensure our customers are happy with their shade solution. We strive to ensure that we are maintaining comprehensive communication throughout the entire process to all customers to ensure a successful and smooth project completion.

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